Follow regular Tapa rules. Arrows and star must be part of the wall. Arrow shows directions which can reach star, passing only wall, without visitting any cell twice. Every such directions are shown. (Tentative translation, sorry)
Tapa Variations Contest(*1)開催中ということで、ちょっと遅くなってしまいましたがTapaのバリエーションルールを考えてみました。別のパズルと組み合わせるというよりも、基本ルールを拡張する方向性で。もっとも、「目的地と方向」というテーマでは、稲葉直貴氏のガイドアローという前例がありますね。
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Do you suspect that No.3 is broken? No, actually solution exists. You may misunderstand an important theorem.
Whee, got it! Thanks! In the end, I think your rules are clear and fine, though it was particularly tricky since I wasn't sure I understood the rules correctly. I'll try to rephrase them anyway; mine is not better but maybe reading a different version will help others.
返信削除Follow regular Tapa rules. The star and arrows must be part of the wall. An arrow indicates that there is a path along the wall starting with the cell with the arrow, going in the direction of the arrow and ending with the star that does not visit any cell twice. For a cell with an arrow, all possible arrows are shown.
I think part of what's misleading is that the "does not visit any cell twice" part is redundant in the example and easy puzzles.
Thank you very much.
返信削除As you can see, I'm not good at writing English. So your comments are really helpful.
Yes. "does not visit any cell twice" is problem in this puzzle.
However, it is necessary phase not only in #3 but also in the example, #1 and #2.
The phrase prevents R3C1 arrow in the example to point down side. Because path can go opposite side of wall, then return start point, and reach star, if the phrase are removed.
But it won't be denied that the phrase tends to be mistaken.
I have no good idea to explain this rule without spoiler of #3.
Or another concept, I make a several change to your translation.
that does not visit any cell twice.
-> that does not return start cell.
I think it is better than current rule. What do you think?
I think this is my new favourite Tapa variant. The note on puzzle 3 was most helpful, I thought it was broken until I had an 'Aha' moment and figured out what I had been missing. Thank you for the excellent puzzles.
返信削除Aaah, after 6 tries in a year, I have finally solved number 3! ;)